Four Important Facts About Voltage Stabilisers

Voltage Stabilisers are essential in an environment that is rife with brown-outs, blackouts and more due to cable theft and other issues that we deal with on a daily basis regarding our power from the utility supplier. 

Listed here are four interesting facts to put you in the loop regarding Voltage Stabilisers:


  • Voltage Stabilisers protect your appliances from both high and low voltage damage.
  • There’s a distinct difference between a Voltage Stabiliser and a UPS, which offers Uninterruptible Power Supply and will feed your electrics with power to ensure that you are kept up and running at all times – this is especially true for those reliant on computers and medical equipment. During power outages, your UPS has a battery that will maintain the flow of power when the utility cannot continue the supply for many reasons.
  • Your Voltage Stabiliser, on the other hand, is a device that will feed continued voltage current to your electrical items and will safeguard them from any potential damage accrued as a result of voltage fluctuations. 
  • A common question is – how does the Voltage Stabiliser work? Your Voltage Stabiliser operates off a transformer where the input current is connected to the main windings and output is established from tributary windings. The electromagnetic relays are activated when there is a drop in the power; when there is a spike in the incoming power, this will happen in reverse. 

A Voltage Stabiliser is essential in maintaining continuous voltage levels of power to avoid damage occurring to any electrical devices.