
Shopping Centres and Solar Power

Owners of shopping malls and shopping centres, are now, more than ever, opting for solar power energy resources. It is time to take back the power and to become independent from the power grid. 

The past ten years have seen the price of electricity in South Africa increasing more than 300%! This is a huge amount of money and there is no end in sight for increases and demand. Load shedding has cost businesses both large and small billions, not to mention the debilitating effect power outages have had on the economy. 

Solar energy is becoming more affordable and the advancement in batteries and technology has resulted in many shopping centres and malls going off the grid. 

The investment of solar photovoltaic systems could be one of the wisest decisions owners of retail malls and centres can make. Installing solar power can provide a huge advantage over other centres that are using power from the grid. 

It is no secret that the power utility is becoming more and more expensive with bills mounting up just to keep the lights on and the doors open. The owners of malls and other commercial buildings will gain a competitive edge by installing solar power on their rooftops.  

One of the biggest advantages is that there will be no power hikes. Over a decade or more shopping centres and malls will be paying the same amount for their utility usage, whereas, other malls and centres using power from the grid will see their electricity bills double, triple or quadruple in the same period. Additionally, going green and promoting an eco-friendly business is great PR. 

Solar panels guarantee free electricity for many years by installing solar – often generating free electricity for 25 years, although many solar panels can last up to forty years. 

Going off the grid 

Going independent and off the grid will result in savings in the long-term. The savings will soon pay for the solar installations and will keep the lights on when the power from the grid dips, surges, experiences brownouts and blackouts. The never-ending price hikes in electricity from the grid will become something of the past. Shopping malls and shopping centres will no longer be the victim of mismanagement and monopolism of the utility once they are using solar power. It is a good time for businesses to take back their power. 

Off the grid solutions could also include power stored in batteries, large capacitors and flywheels for times when there is low sunlight. Saved power is used when necessary.  

There are optional grid connections that are useful for the power to stay on when there is insufficient storage in your batteries. These solutions are a brilliant option for remote areas where power is required. 

Reducing your carbon footprint 

The biggest advantage of installing solar power for shopping malls and shopping centres is that it has zero-air pollution. This is over and above the fact that solar saves money, creates jobs and boosts economic development. 

 While our world is faced with the growing problem of global warming, installing solar power is one of the best ways for retail shopping centre owners to reduce their carbon footprint and in the process save money on future retail shopping center electricity bills. 

South Africa is blanketed in solar resources availability that is one of the highest in the world and has sunshine almost all year round. 

The solar irradiance levels, particularly in the North Cape and North-West Province, means that the strength of the solar power received is very usable. South Africa is well-placed to make use of free, reliable energy from the sun throughout the year. 

Shopping Centres and Shopping Malls are increasingly using solar power to power a clean energy future. Solar energy is one of the best options from a cleanliness aspect with no emissions released when using PV panels. 

South Africa is currently faced with numerous challenges in providing affordable, reliable energy in today’s complex energy market due to the continued rising demand for electricity. Owners of shopping malls and centres make a difference when using solar.