UPS Reference Guide

PHD Powerhouse Distributions strives to be at the forefront of research and development, not only in the UPS market but also in renewable energy (solar systems), Surge and lightning protection systems and Inverters.

PHD has the largest range of UPS systems for home and offices, server UPS, inverters, solar equipment and surge protection in South Africa. PHD also has the best UPS prices including low prices on all of our other ups systems and products. PHD also keeps large stock holding of all its systems in their manufacturing plant in South Africa to ensure they have the shortest possible lead times in the event of emergencies.

PHD also strives to give their customers the best service possible not only with service and maintenance agreements, but also by having a very wide presence. We have outlets in all major South African cities including Cape town (Western cape), Durban (Kwazulu-Natal) and Johannesburg (Gauteng) etc. For more information and contact details for any of our South African branches, please feel free to call us.

PHD has major outlets in the following countries: South Africa, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Botswana, Zambia, Portugal etc.

Line Interactive – Modified SinewaveLine Interactive – Pure SinewaveOnline Double Conversion
600VA, 1kVA, 2kVA

T1x series UPS Provides reliable power backup for small to medium sized applications

T1X UPS System

T1X UPS: User manual

1kVA, 2kVA, 3kVA

AEC T2 UPS Offers dependable backup power for medium sized applications

T2 UPS System

T2 UPS: User manual

1kVA – 10kVA
Transformer (T3T) and Transformerless (T3)
Parallel standard
Single phase in/out

ST3 series UPS Delivers versatile power protection for various environments

AEC T3 Series – Online Double Conversion UPS System (1kVA – 10kVA)

AEC T3T Series with ISOLATION transformer

AEC T3T AC: Installation Manual

T3 UPS (1kVA – 3kVA): User Manual

T3 UPS (1kVA – 3kVA): Service Manual

T3 UPS (6kVA – 10kVA): User Manual

T3 UPS (6kVA – 10kVA): Service Manual

700VA – 1kVA

AEC T1 UPS Provides efficient power backup for small office and home use

T1 UPS System

3.6kVA – 13kVA (A.K.A. Superhome Inverter)

SH series UPS Offers stable power protection for home and small office applications

T2X UPS System

T2X UPS: User Manual

10kVA – 20kVA
Transformer (T4T) and Transformerless (T4)
Parallel standard
Single to Three phase

ST4 series UPS Ensures reliable power backup for medium to large scale operations

AEC T4 3/1 Series – Online Double Conversion UPS system (10kVA – 20kVA)

AEC T4T with ISOLATION transformer

AEC T4 AC: Installation Manual

T4 UPS: User Manual

1kVA – 2kVA

Inverex inverter Converts DC to AC power for various applications

IG UPS System


Grid tie inverter Connects renewable energy systems to the power grid

Grid Tie Inverter

10kVA – 2MVA
3-phase in/out

ST5 series UPS Provides advanced power protection for critical infrastructure

AEC T5 3/3 – Online UPS System (10kVA-160kVA)

AEC T2000 – Online UPS System (160kVA – 2MVA)

AEC T5 AC: Installation Manual

T5 UPS (10kVA-160kVA): User Manual

T5 UPS (10kVA-160kVA): Service Manual

T5 UPS (80kVA-400kVA): Service Manual