When It Comes To Power Protection – The Big Question Is Why Do We Need It And Which One is Best for Your Needs?
Power needs to be kept stable – Power Protection is a branch of innovative engineering that will ensure the power is kept stable at all times.
There are various types of Power Protection options to choose from, ranging from the really simple configurations that consist of plugs, Voltage Stabilisers, Inverters and UPS systems, right up to the high-tech online UPS arrangements.
When investing in Power Protection, always choose the right one for your individual needs – perhaps an understanding of the problems you might experience and the various levels of protection is a step in the right direction. It all boils down to economics and deciding on the right combination.
Power Protection systems consist of different parts – these are Current and Voltage Transformers, Protective Relays, Circuit Breakers and Batteries.
Current and Voltage Transformers assist in the step-down phase of high voltage and electrical power systems.
Protective Relays activate the trip once the fault has been detected.
Circuit Breakers open and shut the electrical system and operates on the auto-re-closure prompts.
Batteries supply power to the Power Protection system when the power is shut down or disconnected.
The general idea behind a Power Protection system is to remove the faulty power from the main system to ensure the balance of the power continues to operate without any interruptions.
In other words the main idea behind Power Protection is the prevention of faulty current entering the power system and ensuring the continuous flow of electricity by disconnecting any short-circuit systems