
How to Stop Losing Money Because of Load Shedding

Rolling blackouts are here to stay. This is not doing small businesses in South Africa any favours. These power cuts can cost us. A diesel generator might seem like a good solution, but a generator can be noisy, and it may not address all the issues we face with sudden power cuts, such as power surges. 

We Are Experiencing a Power Crisis. What Can Be Done? 

Load shedding is not doing our economy any favours. Least of all small to medium businesses. The economy in South Africa is growing, and with it, the electricity demand is increasing. Many small business owners are losing customers and revenue every time the power goes off. 

Some small business owners claim they are losing as much as 20% in revenue. We need to think out of the box and ask ourselves how we can fix the challenges we face with a power utility that has become unreliable. 

Switching Over to Solar Can Save Your Revenue 

Power disruptions are debilitating. We face power surges, blackouts, and brownouts regularly. But there are certain steps to take to avoid further city power challenges. Solar can be a feasible solution that addresses all the challenges arising from constant load shedding. 

5 Reasons Why Switching to Solar Is a Good Move 

It is time to switch to solar. This could benefit your small to medium business on many levels. Here are 5 benefits to consider: 

  • Solar power is environmentally friendly. Coal-fired electricity uses non-renewable resources, whereas solar uses renewable resources to produce energy and power your electricity needs. 
  • If more small businesses and companies are using solar solutions, the national load would be far less. 
  • Using solar power for your company is more reliable than the state-owned electricity utility. 
  • Solar systems are more attainable to business owners than they are to the domestic market. You can get a tax reduction for installing solar in your business. 
  • You can save money by using solar instead of government utilities because there are no increases in electricity bills. 

It’s Time to Switch to Solar for Your Business 

Power outages in South Africa are a reality. Load shedding isn’t going anywhere. Don’t risk losing revenue because of our unreliable power utility. 

Installing solar power to run your business is a step in the right direction. The impact of load will no longer be an ongoing challenge. Microbusinesses rely on every Rand spent. 

Widespread load shedding needs to be addressed. Why rely on state-owned electricity power, if you can make a difference? We should all be resourceful by tackling this challenge head-on.