Solar Panels

Get Solar For Your Business and Save Money

Installing Solar in your Small to Medium-Sized Business Can Save You Money

Large blue-chip companies are benefiting from the installation of solar, but the big question is whether solar will benefit your small to medium-sized enterprise. One would presume this is about costs and expenses with many big businesses having access to unlimited budgets for solar installation. 

Truth be told is that solar installation for businesses holds the promise of saving money in the long-term and before long the money spent on the installation costs will pay for itself time and again. In other words. Solar is an investment that you simply cannot overlook when finding ways of saving money in your business. 

Look for Ways to Reduce Solar Installation Costs 

Claim back from the Tax Man for the installation of your solar system if you are a small to medium-sized enterprise. The government encourages businesses to install solar by offering a rebate at the end of the financial year. Find a solar company that specialises in the installation of solar in small businesses and take it from there. Large companies often use subcontractors to carry out the installation of solar – find a company willing to install your solar at a decent price if they specialise in small to medium-sized enterprises. By using a company that does not subcontract you can save as much as 30%. 

What Kind of Solar Are You Installing? 

There are three main types of solar when installing solar for businesses. One of these is solar on the rooftop which is great for retail configurations. The next two types of solar installations include ground mounts and carport installations. The kind of solar installed for your business will depend largely on what kind of business you run. Solar technologies are improving daily and therefore are lighter and cheaper to make and install. This will make a difference to business owners installing solar. Solar companies take shorter periods to install solar panels and systems, therefore the cost of labour is vastly reduced which minimises installation costs. 

PHD Making a Difference in Businesses Both Large and Small 

Find out how best to cut back on electricity costs by installing solar in your small to medium-sized business. PHD Powerhouse will offer you pertinent advice and assist with installing the right size solar for your specific needs and your niche business.