State-of-the-art Engineer Systems Take Care Of Your DB Board Requirements

Only ever use professionals for the installation of intricate, tailored engineer systems when designing your DB board.

For individuals and businesses that need a unique system installed, it is advisable to choose the experts and to find a company prepared to incorporate and design basic design and distribution board layouts for your unique, individual requirements.

Tailored engineer systems will ensure your distribution board, which is also commonly referred to as a breaker panel, electric panel or panel board – are all components of an electricity supply system that distinguishes an electrical power feed into secondary circuits.

The general idea behind a distribution board is the protection of fuses or incorporating a circuit breaker for each circuit, all in a common enclosure.

Under normal circumstances a main switch is installed, and in recent boards, one or more residual current devices or residual current breakers will be incorporated with overcurrent protection, which will also be installed when using state-of-the-art engineer systems for all your DB board requirements.